Saturday, 30 August 2008

iGoogle - nearly a solution to the need to be organised

Having been a bit of a Googlephile for several years - I just love free stuff that works and free webspace - I have had an iGoogle page before.
It had "lapsed" until this Web 2.0 course as I had initially used it as my browser's Home page and it took too long to load each time I logged on to the Internet.
It now seems essential to redevelop my usage of it, so I've revamped it so that it gets all my feeds, my gmail etc. - but not as my initial page when logging on.

Another site encountered during this course (I'm not sure how) is Netvibes.
It seems to do everything iGoogle does with a little more, as it not only accommodates Google material but also other feeds and material from Google's competitors - eg Flickr and Yahoo.
And Netvibes has the added benefit of both private pages for the material that is useful to me and a public home page for material I publish - all at my fingertips in a single location.
(Isn't that what I was looking for? - see Podcasts and the need to be organised.)

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